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This training program has been specifically developed for the beginer in the fundamentals and theory of firearms. The course focuses entirely on the student so that he/she by the end of the course is proficient and safe in carrying a concealed firearm. We also explain in depth, the state of Florida (Statutes) and reciprocity with other states even though we are (Not) lawyers. (Disclaimer)


Advanced firearms training courses available for those individuals whom currently possess a state of Florida "Concealed Weapons License", (CWL). Law Enforcement and security consultations also available upon request.


The difference between our training method and other programs is: "We incorporate an additional hour of valuable information not mandated by the state of Florida, for the safety and protection of the armed citizen".


The students will be obtaining some of the most instructive, intricate, and professional methods of firearms training that the Instructors have learned throughout years of experience gained by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, (F.L.E.T.C.)


We also incorporate into our program basic home protection including, everyday, "Street Smarts". This philosophy of firearms training alone, make us stand out above and beyond the rest.


Advanced courses including, private and tactical training are available to those whom possess a Concealed Weapons License (CWL) issued by the state of Florida. Classes available in North Miami-Dade and Broward County, Florida. For further information contact us at; 





Firearms Training

Law  Enforcement & Security Consultation

Advanced Tactical Training

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